Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Laundry Ordeal and Wonderful Punjabi Food!

Yesterday was tiring. I finished work at about 7.45 pm, and head straight to the grocery shop to get some detergent. I must add that I took my own sweet time! Over there I run into my friend, who tells me that the laundry place closes at 9 pm. I started panicking. If you have ever taken a seminar or listened to a talk about cross-cultural communication or cross-cultural understanding, etc., here is something they may not have taught you. Young men, no matter what culture or background, we are all the same. We all measure the "critical laundry threshold point" the same way. And trust me, once it reaches that point, it is definitely "critical".

Anyway, so I rushed to my room, got the clothes and rushed to the laundry place. And when I reach there, guess what? They don't accept cash! This is probably the only place I've ever seen which prefers debit card over cash. Now my bank account would take about two weeks to get activated, so I'm unable to put any money in it, and hence, my card is virtually worthless. After a long negotiation in my broken Hindi and the dude's broken English, he finally accepted cash. It costs 30 rupees for the washer, and the dryer is free, and there is no limit on the number of times you can use it. But time was running out and to cut the long story short, my clothes didn't dry fully! Check out the picture below to see how I ended up drying the ones that didn't dry completely...yes, i piled them all on to the bed, and switched the fan on full blast. It actually dried pretty quickly!

But then, that wasn't yet the biggest headache. I had to iron the clothes! There comes a point in every ironing n00b's lives when they realize that ironing clothes is actually an art. I would say the irons they gave here was pretty good and I did a "decent" job, relative to what happened the last time I touched an iron about a year back (burnt my pants)

Anyway, that was yesterday. Today, I began realizing that my project is going to be much harder than originally anticipated. There is just so much I need to learn, and so much to improvise on the spot. And the project is so complicated that in order to come up with something accurate and useful, it would require A LOT of testing and tweaking of the model. AAAAH! 

Lunch was good though. We ate at a Punjabi place on campus. Aloo Pyaaz Paratha! Yummy....just the thought of it makes my mouth water. It was actually not too expensive (25 rupees) and then I topped it up with a glass of lassi. Amazing. It was probably the highlight of my day. Closely followed though was the sugar cane juice I drank after work. So far I've tried the lemon (the best) and masala (hmm...not so amazing) one. Today I tried mint (probably last time) and salt/pepper (comparable to lemon). One thing I missed out today (didn't want to walk much after the rain) was Kulfi (indian ice cream) =( They have some really good kulfi out here.

Anyway, today I just got my AR Rahman ticket booked! Super excited. The concert is this coming Sunday, and lol the tickets start from 500 and goes till 10000! obviously i got the cheapest one. 

Anyway, I guess that's my update for today. But just as an added bonus and a special shout out to my sister (please don't kill me!), please enjoy the pictures below (from the aquarium):

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